IIT JEE Physics Book: Table of Contents

Contents in Volume 1

The volume 1 of IIT JEE Physics (1978-2015:38 Years) Topic-wise Complete Solutions covers three parts: Mechanics, Waves, and Optics. The first part is on mechanics and it consists of 12 chapters. This part starts with a chapter on "Units and Measurements" and ends up with a chapter on "Mechanical Properties of Matter". The second part of this volume contains wave phenomenon. There are three chapters in this part. Last chapter in this part is on light waves. Third part is on optics. This part contains for chapters covering various topics of optics. The list of chapters in these parts are given below.

  1. Mechanics
    1. Units and Measurements
    2. Rest and Motion: Kinematics
    3. Newton's Laws of Motion
    4. Friction
    5. Circular Motion
    6. Work and Energy
    7. Centre of Mass, Linear Momentum, Collision
    8. Rotational Mechanics
    9. Gravitation
    10. Simple Harmonic Motion
    11. Fluid Mechanics
    12. Some Mechanical Properties of Matter
  2. Waves
    1. Wave Motion and Waves on a String
    2. Sound Waves
    3. Light Waves
  3. Optics
    1. Geometrical Optics
    2. Optical Instruments
    3. Dispersion and Spectra
    4. Photometry

Contents in Volume 2

The volume 2 of IIT JEE Physics (1978-2015:38 Years) Topic-wise Complete Solutions covers three parts: Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, and Modern Physics. The part on thermodynamics consists of 6 chapters. This part starts with a chapter on "Heat and Temperature" and ends up with a chapter on "Heat Transfer". The second part of this volume is on electromagnetism. There are eleven chapters in this part. The chapters starting from "Electric Field and Potential" to the chapter "Thermal and Chemical Effect of Electric Current" covers electrical phenomenon. Next six chapters are devoted to magnetism and electro magnetic induction. Third part is on modern physics. This part contains six chapters covering various topics related to modern physics. The list of chapters in these parts are given below.

  1. Thermodynamics
    1. Heat and Temperature
    2. Kinetic Theory of Gases
    3. Calorimetry
    4. Laws of Thermodynamics
    5. Specific Heat Capacities of Gases
    6. Heat Transfer
  2. Electromagnetism
    1. Electric Field and Potential
    2. Gauss's Law
    3. Capacitors
    4. Electric Current in Conductors
    5. Thermal and Chemical Effects of Electric Current
    6. Magnetic Field
    7. Magnetic Field due to a Current
    8. Permanent Magnets
    9. Electromagnetic Induction
    10. Alternating Current
    11. Electromagnetic Waves
  3. Modern Physics
    1. Electric Current through Gases
    2. Photoelectric Effect and Wave-Particle Duality
    3. Bohr's Model and Physics of the Atom
    4. X-rays
    5. Semiconductors and Semiconductor Devices
    6. The Nucleus